Baldwyn Elementary News
2020-21 BES Academic Awards
2020-21 Baldwyn School District’s Academic Awards
Mrs. Mask’s Room
Addyson Crump, Melijah Robinson, Preston Thomas, Bryson Thornton
Sam Barron, Avary Davis, Payten Green, Brianna Martin, Marlie Mayo, Kaylee Newcomb, Charlie Reynolds, Brogan Speck, Myles Allen, Colton Chandler, Rivers Courtney, Braylee Fly, Korbin Gates, Gracie Johnson, Maylee McCoy, Hunter Powell, Waylon Richey, Aubree Ruff, Chelsie Shinault, Kayleigh Stubbs, Rollins Ward, Jaxson Williams, Molly Kate Williams, Aiden Bosman, Wiley Gholston, Jordan Jackson, A’Lasia McGee, Collier Stone, Axel Wray
Kindergarten Highest Average Awards
Brianna Martin – Highest Accelerated Reading Award; Brogan Speck – Highest Language Arts and Highest Math Award; Isabella Patterson – Highest Accelerated Reading Award; Colton Chandler – Highest Language Arts and Math Award; Hunter Powell – Highest Language Arts and Accelerated Reading; Rollins Ward – Highest Math Award; Molly Kate Williams – Highest Language Arts Award; Jordan Jackson – Highest Language Arts Award; Collier Stone – Highest Math and Accelerated Reading Award; Jacey Durham – Highest Math Award
1st Grade
Baker Allen, Kinsley Buchanan, Patience Eaton, Zoey Gates, Chase Hill, Beckham Howell, Lillie Jarvis, Andrew Mask, Emmie McCarley, John Carpenter, Savannah Duffin, Lillie Goodman, Sawyer Griffin, Mackenzie Hardin, Henry Houston, Easton McCarthy, Aubree Ragin, Khloe Starks, Luke Applegate, Levi Applegate, Harper Grace Billips, Kimmins Bishop, Kaydance Courtney, Kinley Crowe, Mattie Floyd, Axle Horton, Colton McCarthy, Shelby Phillips
1st Grade Highest Average Awards
Baker Allen – Highest Language Arts, Math, and Accelerated Reading Awards; Patience Eaton – Highest Language Arts Award; Beckham Howell – Highest Language Arts Award; Sawyer Griffin – Highest Language Arts and Accelerated Reading Awards; Henry Houston – Highest Math Award; Aubree Ragin – Highest Language Arts Award; Aubrey Howell – Highest Accelerated Reading Award; Kinley Crowe – Highway Language Arts and Accelerated Reading Awards; Luke Applegate -Highest Math Average
2nd Grade
Mason Gillentine, Matia Smith, Micah Thornton, Jaikarri Ward, Gavin Copeland, Ashleigh Gill, Jase Gillentine, Reese Howell, Carter Smith, Darbi Armstrong, Brody Ashmore, Eli Baldwyn, Drake DeVaughn, Koen Dugger, Ayda Horton, Symmi Langston, A’Raina Nabors
2nd Grade Highest Average Awards
Opie Hudson – Highest Accelerated Reading Award; Darbi Armstrong – Highest Language Arts, Math, Accelerated Reading Awards; Mason Gillentine – Highest Social Studies Award; Jaikarri Ward – Highest Science and Accelerated Reading Awards; Ashtyn Coughlin – Highest Accelerated Reading Award; Brody Ashmore – Highest Language Arts, Math, and Accelerated Reader Awards
3rd Grade
Bailee Tate, Avrie Armstrong, Karaline Courtney, Townes Hughes, Autumn Warren, Jackson Webb, Emmett Williams
3rd Grade Highest Average Awards
Bailee Tate – Highest Accelerated Reader Award; Karaline Courtneyn – Highest Accelerated Reader Award; Townes Hughes – Highest Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies Awards; Autumn Warren – Highest Accelerated Reader Award; Emmett Williams – Highest Science Awardc; Hadley Magers – Highest Accelerated Reader Award
4th Grade
Wesley Beene, DaNylah Hall, Dax Hogue, Taylor McKinney, Laura Grace Williams, Brylee Wilson, Harmony Langston, Colton Agnew, Caroline Craven, Emerson Griffin, Jacee Harlow, Mary Grace Hurt, Rowan Skelton
4th Grade Highest Average Awards
Wesley Beene – Highest Accelerated Reader Award; Taylor McKinney – Highest Language Arts Award; Emerson Griffin – Highest Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Accelerated Reading Awards; Mary Grace Hurst – Highest Math and Accelerated Reader Award; Munsel Nabors – Highest Accelerated Reader Award
2021 BES Kindergarten Registration
Friday, April 23, 2021, will be Kindergarten Registration for the 2021 -2022 school year. Children who are 5 years old on or before September 1, 2021, will be eligible for Kindergarten. It is very important that all eligible children register so that plans can be made for the coming year. Masks are required and only ONE adult per child.
- Friday, April 23rd – Registration 8:00 am – 2:30 pm
What to bring for Registration?
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Child’s Social Security Card
- 2 Proofs of Residency (Ex: Water Bill/Power Bill/Voter Id/Mortgage or Rental Agreement) in parents name on birth certificate. If proofs are in a name other than what is on the birth certificate, you must provide notarized court documentation or a marriage license/divorce decree.
- Your child to be screened
It is very important that your child accompany you to registration. We will be screening for Early Literacy Skills and Math Skills. We will use this information to place children in classrooms.
These additional items will be required by the time school starts in August 2021, but are not required for this registration.
- Mississippi Immunization Compliance (Form 121) that is marked COMPLETE K-4 ENTRY
2020-21 1st 9 Weeks Academic Awards
Baldwyn Schools 1st 9 Weeks Academic Awards 2020-21
Principal’s List
Myles Allen, Samuel Barron, Aiden Bosman, Colton Chandler, Alexander Courtney, Avary Davis, Jacey Durham, Braylee Fly, Korbin Gates, Wiley Gholston, Payten Green, Jordan Jackson, Lyric Jones, Taylor Kimbrel, Brooklyn Lowery, Brianna Martin, Marlie Mayo, Maylee McCoy, A’Lasia McGee, Braylon Morris, Kaylee Newcomb, Hayden Pannell, Hunter Powell, Charles Reynolds, Waylon Richey, Aubree Ruff, Simon Sanderford, Chelsie Shinault, Brogan Speck, Collier Stone, Kayleigh Stubbs, Julie Verrell, Rollins Ward, Molly Williams
1st Grade
Baker Allen, Luke Applegate, Levi Applegate, Harper Billips, Kimmins Bishop, Kinsley Buchanan, John Carpenter, Jason Carter, Kaydance Courtney, Kinley Crowe, Savannah Duffin, Patience Eaton, Mattie Floyd, Mikaelinn Gamble, Zoey Gates, Lillie Goodman, Sawyer Griffin, Chevis Hale, Mackenzie Hardin, Merida Hardy, Shelby Hester, Chase Hill, Axle Horton, Kameron Hoskins, John Henry Houston, Beckham Howell, Lillian Jarvis, Isabella King, Ja’marri Leslie, Andrew Mask, Emmie McCarley, Colton McCarthy, Easton McCarthy, Aubree Ragin, Jayquan Starks, Khloe Starks, Seven Stribling, Addyson Crump
2nd Grade
Brody Ashmore, Dylan Buse, Gavin Copeland, Drake DeVaughn, Keon Dugger, Mason Gillentine, Ayda Horton, Symphony Langston, Micah Thornton
3rd Grade
Maelynn Hughes, Jackson Webb, Emmett Williams, Melijah Robinson,
4th Grade
Wesley Beene, Caroline Craven, Emerson Griffin, Jacelynn Harlow, Mary Hurst, Dylan Kelly, Taylor McKinney, Jaliehl Thomas, Preston Thomas, Bryson Thornton
Honor Roll
Baylie Busboom, Khmazi Fly, Carten Kennedy, Cayden Morris, Noah Neal, Jakoldi Stallings, Jaxson Williams, Axel Wray, Rohen Yarbrough
1st Grade
Alexis Adams, Jaycien Beene, Zoey Brown, Kyndell Champion, Malashia Darden, Cashlann Fly, Kingston Haynes, Aubrey Howell, Malachi Johnson, Jakorey Muhammad, Kenzie Smith, Lexie Smith, Aaliyah Williams, Ella Wilmoth
2nd Grade
Karter Agnew, Darbi Armstrong, Elijah Baldwyn, Mylie Billips, William Blackwell, Christopher Clark, Ashtyn Coughlin, Calilla Fly, Ashleigh Gill, Riley Gillentine, Karmani Hamm, Pamela Howell, Essence Jones, Grayley Lee, Destini Lewis, Keyon Martin, Khang Nguyen, Carter Smith, Matia Smith, Mason Thornton
3rd Grade
Kylon Andrews, Avrie Armstrong, Emery Bishop, Karaline Courtney, Hunter Franks, Bo Gray, Karson Hardin, Gracelynn Hudson, WIlliam Hudson, Tiona Johnson, Hunter Martin, Davis Nelson, Ella Reed, Elijah Shinault, Nathaniel Staten, Bailee Tate, Autumn Warren, Kailey Young
4th Grade
Colton Agnew, Kaden Agnew, Aiden Coughlin, Kaden Crump, DeNyiah Hall, Kingston Howell, Derek Lowery, Alexis Lyles, Malachie Mabry, Andrea Newcomb, Joshua Self, Rowan Skelton, Kylan Smith, Jaylee Stevens, Laura Williams, Brylee Wilson
2020 Red Ribbon Week
BES and BMS will participate in 2020 Red Ribbon Week. Students will hear information and presentations about being drug free daily, participate in a poster contest, earn prizes, and wear planned attire each day.
Thursday, October 29 is Wear Class Colors DayKindergarten: RedFrist Grade: YellowSecond Grade: PurpleThird Grade: BlueFourth Grade: GreenFifth Grade: OrangeSixth Grade: RedSeventh Grade: BlueEighth Grade: Green
2020 K-8 Counselor Needs Assessment Survey
Attention K-8th Grade Parents/Guardians:Each year, Mrs. Miranda Garner, Baldwyn Elementary and Middle School counselor, conducts a Needs Assessment to help her understand what your students need. Please take a moment to fill out this Google Form and click submit. This will help Mrs. Garner to know what topics would be beneficial to provide lessons on in a group, individual, and/or classroom setting. If you received a Needs Assessment with your child’s packet this week, there is no need to fill this Google Form out. You may send the Needs Assessment back with your child’s packet. See link below to complete assessment. Thank you in advance for your support!
March Madness Attendance Challenge
Baldwyn Schools presents March Madness Attendance Challenge at Baldwyn Elementary School for grades Kindergarten through Fourth. The winning class with the best attenance for the month will receive a dance party. The challenge begins March 2.
BSD strengthens safety precautions
Baldwyn Schools, police strengthen safety precautions
Baldwyn Schools’ administration and Baldwyn Police Department partnered last week to conduct an annual lock down drill.
The lock down simulation took place on Thursday last week at all Baldwyn Schools’ campuses. Faculty and students were notified a lock down drill was occurring and to follow safety protocol steps. Baldwyn Police officers then walked through buildings and simulated possible scenarios of unsafe situations. Police officers and administration checked doors, windows, parking areas, and lines of communication.
After the drill took place on all three campuses, the police officers and school administration held a round table discussion to analyze what safety precautions worked well and what needed to be improved.
“Safety is always our first priority at Baldwyn Schools. We want to make sure our staff and students are familiar with safety drills and that we find all areas we can improve on to have a safe campus for students to receive the academic education they need to be successful in life,” Superintendent Jason McKay said.
The round table discussion between school and police personnel yielded some information for both parties to take time to plan and communicate in hopes of strengthening safety protocol steps as a whole.
“We are here for Baldwyn Schools and the community to help take any steps we can to prevent unsafe situations from occurring. We will continue to work with the school and community to make our schools and town safer for the people,” Baldwyn Chief Troy Agnew said.
The lock down drill is part of a Mississippi Department of Education safety requirement along with fire drills, evacuation drills, tornado drills, and more. Students and staff will participate in these drills multiple times throughout the school year as a safety practice precaution in the event of a real emergency.
BSD claims B status, BES receives A status
Baldwyn School District claims B status, continues to strive for higher achievement
Baldwyn School District continues to rise in the ranks of academic performance. Last week the 2018-19 school ratings and test data was released to the public. Baldwyn School District was in the top percentages in many areas and showed multiple areas of growth.
“We are very proud of our students and staff and appreciate our student parents and the community for the support they continue to provide our school district with so that all of our students have the opportunity to be safe, learn, and have a chance at a successful future,” Superintendent Jason McKay said.
Baldwyn School District was ranked level B status with Baldwyn Elementary (K-4th grades) ranked an A level school and Baldwyn High School (5-12th grades) ranked a B level school.
“We are still finding ways to improve and ways to continue to be successful in the areas we have made achievements in,” Superintendent McKay said.
After analyzing test data from kindergarten to high school level state tests, students are proving to rise to the challenge of state tests, and teachers are equipping students with the resources and education to be successful beyond the state test and for life.
“Our current data shows the fact that students are growing and performing at a higher rate than predicted by former state assessments. They are also meeting state mandated benchmarks and beyond,” Superintendent McKay added.
Baldwyn teachers K-12 are engaging in alignment meetings quarterly to analyze test data, track students, and make improvements to the curriculum and teaching strategies in efforts to continue to raise student performance overall.
Other ways the district is enhancing student achievement is by offering mentors and tutors to at-risk students. Part-time mentors and tutors visit each school on a weekly basis to meet with students to assess their progress, study their content, and seek mentorship.
“We want to make sure every student feels like they belong to our school district, and that they have talents and skills that can be used to be successful in life,” Superintendent McKay noted.
Baldwyn School District also continues the school year as a District of Innovation named by the Mississippi Department of Education. Baldwyn Schools paired with Booneville School District two years ago to offer college and career technical classes along with advanced placement classes for students. Baldwyn students are able to enroll in classes that Booneville offers that Baldwyn does not, and vice versa for Booneville students. This partnership has entitled both schools as innovative.
Performance ranking specifics
BSD ranked 37 percentile as a district in the state.
BES ranked top 14 percent in state.
BES 3rd grade ELA testing ranked top 25 percent in state.
BES 4th grade ELA testing ranked top 25 percent in state.
BHS 5th grade ELA testing ranked top 30 percent in state.
BHS 7th grade ELA testing ranked top 50 percent in state.
BHS 8th grade ELA testing ranked top 30 percent in state.
BES 4th grade math testing ranked top 25 percent in state.
BHS 5th grade math testing ranked top 30 percent in state.
BHS 7th grade math testing ranked top 25 percent in state.
BHS 8th grade math testing rank 5th best district in state, top 5 percent in state.
BHS Algebra I testing ranked 14th best district in state, top 10 percent in state.
BHS graduation rates were 87.3 percent.
Growth as a district
BES 3rd graders had 100 percent promotion to 4th grade after testing.
BHS Algebra I testing had 100 percent pass rate.
BES students demonstrated 78.5 percent growth on ELA testing.
BES students demonstrated 89.3 percent growth on math testing.
NOTE: BHS Biology I test was a new test format and curriculum across the state with no past testing to compare scores.
“The last five years of our students and teachers’ testing performances have shown tremendous growth as a district. It is all thanks to the hard work of our students, teachers, parents, families, and community,” McKay added.
BES 4th graders host memorial for beloved classmate
BES 4th graders host memorial for beloved classmate
While the end of another school year winds down, Baldwyn Elementary fourth grade students and teachers couldn’t end the school year without making sure they took a day to remember their beloved classmate – Dalen Thomas.
Dalen, 9, was the victim of a fatal accident while boarding a BES school bus on October 31 of the present school year. Dalen’s peers, teachers, and administration set aside Friday, May 10 as a Memorial Day to remember and honor Dalen’s life and make presentations to his family.
“Some people are put on earth to make the world better. Dalen will be a superhero in the Baldwyn School District, community, and in our hearts forever,” Baldwyn Schools Superintendent Jason McKay noted at the opening of the memorial service on Friday.
Since Dalen loved superheroes, his entire fourth grade class dressed in superhero t-shirts, capes, and masks during the memorial service. They also each contributed a favorite memory of Dalen compiled in a typed manuscript book for his parents and sister to keep. His art class also designed the front cover of the book which included a drawing of Dalen as a superhero.
Dalen’s best friend at BES, Zyrion Pulliam, unveiled the focal point of the memorial service which now is seated at the entrance of BES. A navy metal bench with the words “Fly High Little Buddle: Our Superhero Dalen” etched in it will be Dalen’s lasting memory at BES.
“Five years ago Dalen was in Kindergarten, and I was meeting with our administration that year about what we wanted to teach our BES students that being a Bearcat means. Dalen was a true Bearcat because he was a hard worker, not selfish, and lifted others up while continuing to do his best,” BES Principal Rickey Weaver said.
“We appreciate all of Dalen’s classmates and teachers remembering him today. But we know that Dalen would want us to all remember some things too: to always look up, go forward, and no matter how hard things get, keep trying,” Dalen’s mother Miranda Thomas stated.
Dalen was the son of Jeremy and Miranda Thomas and had one sister, Kylie.
BES Library receives $5,000 grant
BES Library receives $5,000 grant
Baldwyn Elementary School students and staff will soon be able to enjoy an additional 25 Hewlett Packard Chromebooks. BES Librarian Karen Watson recently was the recipient of a $5,000 grant from Lowe’s Toolbox for Education.
Watson applied for the grant funds in August 2018. She decided the BES library needed additional chromebooks with the funds. The chromebooks are expected to arrive during March 2019.
“We are very excited about receiving the grant and very thankful to Lowe’s. We will be using these chromebooks for research and as resources in the library and in the classroom,” BES Librarian Watson said.
The BES library currently has 13 chromebooks for student and teacher use. These chromebooks were purchased from a fundraiser/grant. The Lowe’s grant will add 25 more chromebooks to the list of library resources.
“Students can practice typing, type projects, use the internet for research in the library and in the classroom, create documents, take practice and benchmark tests, and read stories and books online through our e-library links at BES,” Watson added.
“Our mission is to open the world of reading and research to students of all ages. It has been a goal of ours to have a set of chrome books for our teachers to be able to checkout to be used when needed in the classroom. We feel our students and teachers will greatly benefit from this grant. This set of chrome books will help us provide more resources to our students. We are thankful for Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Grant.”
BES students in full STEAM ahead
BES students in full STEAM ahead
Baldwyn Elementary School students are currently undergoing their first annual STEAM fair event. The project event is funded by the Toyota Wellsprings Education Fund: STEAM/Early Childhood grant.
This two week educational event contains fun and engaging activities designed to expose students to the areas of science, technology, engineering, art, and math.
“This project is a great opportunity for our teachers and community to partner together to introduce career paths to our students early on. Students will be able to set goals that align with their academic curriculum throughout their K-12 education at Baldwyn,” Superintendent Jason McKay said.
“We will continue to find and offer ways to prepare all of our students for a successful future.”
Students will also develop critical thinking skills including problem solving and social skills such as working together and group communication. Stations set up in the gym include Learning Labs, Water Shortage STEM kit challenge, Force/ Motion, Real World STEM Challenges, 3-D printer access, Art Center, House Building Engineering Center, and many more.
The second week will showcase extraordinary people in our community who hold jobs in each respective field. These community stakeholders have been speaking to students about what they learned in the previous week’s activities and how it relates to their careers.
These professionals have also been speaking about the importance of what the students are doing now in elementary school, and how it can help prepare them for their future in any career or workforce they desire.
Examples of careers showcased include engineering, tool and die, game developer, accountants, musician, business owner, nurse, vet, plumber, and construction worker.
“We know college isn’t for everyone, so our intention with this piece of the program is to find professionals (college degree of associates or higher) and paraprofessionals (no degree needed). A mixture of these will show students that with hard work and determination, anyone can be successful,” BES Counselor Miranda Garner added.
January 2018 BES Kindness Lunch Bunch
Front row: Rowan Skelton, Eli Shinault, Isabella Starks
Back row: Wyatt Roberts, Jadelynn Young, Addyson Hutcheson, Alyssa Simpson
BES 3rd 9 Weeks Academic Awards
Baldwyn School 3rd 9 Weeks Awards
BES Principal’s List
Kindergarten: Wesley Beene, Jericah Calomese, Colson Gaston, James Levi, Deserion Lewis, Christopher McGaha, Taylor McKinney, Isabella Russell, Domonick Sanderson, Kylan Smith, Preston Thomas, Colton Agnew, Trypp Chunn, Kaleb Clay, Aynslee Farrar, Jaycee Glover, Emerson Griffin, Tayler Guise, Cayden Hill, Kingston Howell, J’Correy McKinney, Zoey Mettler, Rowan Skelton, DaNyla Stubbs, Laura Williams, Brylee Wilson, Kaden Agnew, Christopher Burress, Caroline Craven, Kaden Crump, Paisley Edge, DaNylah Hall, Dax Hogue, Malachi Mabry, Karson Palmer, Colton White
1st Grade: Amar’e Agnew, Chloe Barron, Mia Dufford, Emma Large, Hayden McCarley, Emma Tucker, Jaidyn Wilson, Leighanna Allen, Ryker Chunn, Annaleigh Clem, Elias Farrar, Joseph Flores, Briley Glover, Drew Hughes, Cali McCarver, Kane Morris, Addyson Pippin, Trevor Rakestraw, Starr Ward, Kaziya Barnett, Abbygale Baswell, Paisley Burnside, Aiden Fly, Gavin Gamble, Addyson Hutcheson, Brogan Hutcheson, Connor Keith, Alaysia May, A’nadiya Merrit, Oliva Page, Derkhaui Scales, Eva Kate Webb
2nd Grade: Jacob Green, Colton Hayes, Alyson McCarthy, Madelyn Moss, Tyson Pugh, Carson Roberts, Rushing Watkins, Cash Young, Eliza McCarley, Edy-Reece Newby, Carter Craven, Ridge Mask, Riley McLeland
3rd Grade: Jana-Claire Collins, Karmen Gaston, Ethan Applegate, Shaylee Applegate, Hunter Dobbs, Kathlyn Evans, Aubrei Weaver, Gella Raines
4th Grade: Amealia Beene, Karlyn Courtney, Marquez Davenport, Gauge DeVaughn, Shamiya Enlow, Macy Murphy, Abby Blassingame, Anden Earnest, Cadence Floyd, John Hollis, Michael Hughes, Tahu Bell, Trey Craven, Shiloh Sanders
BES Honor Roll
Kindergarten: Justin Baldwin, Abbigail Clark, Carlie Langston, Munsel Nabors, Landan Robbins, Mason Simpson, Austin Clay, Odyssey Taylor, Jakoriion Adams, Za’myia Eckford, Izzy Hogue, Derek Lowery, Adysin White, Gabbrial Willis
1st Grade: Taelin Crump, Cooper Johnson, Tavion McDonald, Levi Parker, Alyssa Simpson, Noah Westmoreland, Bradley Wicks, Jadelynn Young, Aiden Banks, Jalyn Green, Christopher Roberts, Calen Walker, Braily Wicks, Charvze De’armon, Addison Howard, Jayla Miller, Kamri Scott
2nd Grade: Brandon Johnson, Cayden Roberts, Keylon Sampson, Kailon Beene, Michael Horton, Kaylee Owens, Keniah Burt, Kylan Crump, Ethan King, Regan McLeland, Kaylee Roberts, Tristen Taylor, Caleb Tyes, Hayden Wildmon
3rd Grade: Ethan Applegate, Makayla Bragg, Jourdan Crump, Gray Earnest, Jeremiah Gill, Ava Harvell, Wesley McCarley, Essence Warren, Allayah Agnew, Isaac Allen, Markaya Floyd, Chloe Harper, Essence Rowan, Kylee Wildmon, Sheyla Williams, Mariah Burress, Laken Garcia, Hannah Glover, Gabee Lee, Gabriel Massengill, Carmen Mettler, Addison Scales
4th Grade: Dy’Lan Johnson, Shannell Robinson, Bentlee Scott, Madison Wallis, Tyler Young, Johanna Beene, Makalyn Beene, Jaley Billups, EmiLee Fincher, Bradley Grisham, Taylor Gunnells, Kayland Harris, Cameron Hill, Elizabeth Hughes, John McCarley, Caysen Rowan, Jerry Towery, Brylee Farrar, Akira Howell, Braxton James, Keira McCarley, Jack Morris, Casey Reno, Dreson Stewart, Harry Troy, Braleigh Tyes, Bobby Underwood, London Ward
Baldwyn Bearcat Basketball Camp 2017
Click the image below for the 2017 Baldwyn Bearcat Basketball Camp 2017 Info

BES Table for Math Awards
BES Table for Math Awards
1st Grade:
Leighanna Allen
Shawnzell McGee
Jayla Miller (tied for 3rd)
Ariya Wren (tied for 3rd)
2nd Grade:
Zyria Floyd
Titan McDonald
Kaylee Owens
3rd Grade:
Shystin Miller
Braxton Stewart
Gella Raines
4th Grade:
Jacob Doughty
Jack Morris
Katie Reynolds
BES 2nd 9 Weeks Awards
BES 2nd 9 Weeks Awards
Principal’s List
Kindergarten – Jakoriion Adams, Colton Agnew, Kaden Agnew, Breanna Armstrong, Wesley Beene, Christopher Buress, Jericah Calomese, Austin Clay, Kaleb Clay, Caroline Craven, Kaden Crump, Paisley Edge, Aynslee Farrar, Jaycee Glover, Emerson Griffin, Taylor Guise, DeNylah Hall, Dax Hogue, Kingston Howell, Deserion Lewis, Malachi Mabry, J’Correy McKinney, Taylor McKinney, Zoey Mettler, Isabella Russell, Rowan Skelton, Kylan Smith, DaNyla Stubbs, Adysin White, Laura Williams, Brylee Wilson
1st Grade – Amar’e Agnew, Leighanna Allen, Chloe Barron, Paisley Burkside, Annaleigh Clem, Elias Farrar, Joseph Flores, Gavin Gamble, Briley Glover, Addyson Hutcheson, Brogan Hutcheson, Addison Mann, Hayden McCarley, Cali McCarver, A’nadiya Merritt, Kane Morris, Olivia Page, Levi Parker, Addyson Pippin, Emma Tucker, Eva Kate Webb, Jaidyn Wilson
2nd Grade – Carter Craven, Colton Hayes, Ridge Mask, Eliza McCarley, Alyson McCarthy, Madelyn Moss, Edy-Reece Newby, A’keileonna Nichols, Tyson Pugh, Carson Roberts, Rush Watkins
3rd Grade – Isaac Allen, Shaylee Applegate, Jana-Claire Collins, Hunter Dobbs, Gabriel Massengill, Maddox McCarley, Gella Raines, Aubrei Weaver
4th Grade – Amealia Beene, Tahj Bell, Abby Blassingame, Alexis Bray, Karlyn Courtney, Gauge DeVaughn, Anden Earnest, Shamiya Enlow, Brylee Farrar, EmiLee Fincher, Cadence Floyd, John Hollis, Ames Hughes, Hagan McCarley, Akeya McGaha, Macy Murphy, Shanell Robinson, Shiloh Sanders, Bentlee Scott, Jerry Towery, Madison Wallis
Honor Roll
Kindergarten – Trypp Chunn, Abbigail Clark, Malijha Daniel, Za’myia Eckford, Colson Gaston, Izzy Hogue, James Levi, Derek Lowery, Christopher McGaha, Munsel Nabors, Domonick Sanderson, Mason Simpson, Odyssey Taylor, Colton White, Gabbrial Willis
1st Grade – Kaziya Barnett, Abbygale Baswell, Ryker Chunn, Charvze De’amon, Kadince Derryberry, Mia Dufford, Aiden Fly, Jalyn Green, Drew Hughes, Cooper Johnson, Connor Keith, Kisana Nabors, Trevor Rakestraw, Dominic Sawyer, Alyssa Simpson, Calen Walker, Starr Ward, Braily Wicks, Jadelynn Young
2nd Grade – Kallon Beene, Keniah Burt, Kylan Crump, Zyria Floyd, Takoda Garcia, Brandon Johnson, Regan McLeland, Riley McLeland, Mathew Montgomery, Kaylee Owens, Kaylee Roberts, Kaylon Sampson, Kilik Sampson, Tristen Taylor, Dalen Thomas, Caleb Tyes, Hayden Wildmon, Cash Young
3rd Grade – Ethan Applegate, Makayla Bragg, Mariah Burress, Kaylee Dill, Gray Earnest, Markaya Floyd, Laken Garcia, Jeremiah Gill, Hannah Glover, Ava Harvell, Gabee Lee, Chanceton Price, Essence Rowan, Shaun Shaw, Essence Rowan, Shaun Shaw, Essence Warren
4th Grade – Johnanna Beene, Makalyn Beene, Trinity Billips, Jaley Billups, Malia Bolton, Trey Craven, Marquez Davenport, Jacob Doughty, Taylor Gunnells, Kayland Harris, Cameron Hill, Akira Howell, Elizabeth Hughes, Braxton James, Dy’Lan Johnson, Keira McCarley, Savannah Moore, Jack Morris, Mason Nanney, Saniya Patterson, Casey Reno, Sara Reynolds, Terrell Robinson, Caysen Rowan, John Smith, Dreson Stewart, Harry Troy, Braleigh Tyes, Makenzie Wildmon, Tyler Young
BES 1st 9 Weeks Awards
BES 1st 9 weeks Awards had much to celebrate during the 1st 9 Weeks Awards Program!!!!
K-4th grade perfect attendance, honor roll, principal’s list, Bearcat table, and Citizenship Awards;
Senator Chad McMahan and Representative Jerry Turner presented awards to the 2015-16 3rd graders (now 4th graders), teachers, and administration for being the highest rated MS school district on the 2015-16 Gateway Reading test;
Principal Rick Weaver announced today that Baldwyn Elementary School is now an “A” Rated School based on the recent score reports of the 2015-16 school year.
BES 1st 9 Weeks Academic Awards
Principal’s List
Kindergarten – Breanna Armstrong, Justin Baldwin, Deserion Lewis, Taylor McKinney, Munsel Nabors, Isabella Russell, Kylan Smith, Colton Agnew, Austin Clay, Kaleb Clay, Aynslee Farrar, Jaycee Glover, Emerson Griffin, Taylor Guise, Cayden Hill, Kingston Howell, J’Correy McKinney, Rowan Skelton, DaNyla Stubbs, Laura Williams, Brylee Wilson, Kaden Agnew, Caroline Craven, Paisley Edge, DaNylah Hall, Dax Hogue, Heavenly Kelly, Malachi Mabry, Karson Palmer
1st Grade – Amar’e Agnew, Chloe Barron, Hayden McCarley, Levi Parker, Emma Tucker, Bradley Wicks, Jaidyn Wilson, Jadelynn Young, Leighanna Allen, Ryker Chunn, Annaleigh Clem, Elias Farrar, Joseph Flores, Briley Glover, Jalyn Green, Cali McCarver, Kane Morris, Calen Walker, Braily Wicks, Emma Wilmoth, Kaziya Barnett, Abbygale Baswell, Paisley Burnside, Charvze De’armon, Kadince Derryberry, Gavin Gamble, Addyson Hutcheson, Brogan Hutcheson, Connor Keith, Alyasia May, A’nadiya Merritt, Jayla Miller, Olivia Page, Eve Kate Webb
2nd Grade – Colton Hayes, Alyson McCarthy, Madelyn Moss, Tyson Pugh, Carson Roberts, Keylon Sampson, Rushing Watkins, Cash Young, Eliza McCarely, Edy-Reece Newby, A’keileonna Nichols, Carter Craven, Ridge Mask, Kaylee Roberts, Tristen Taylor, Caleb Tyes
3rd Grade – Jana Claire Collins, Wesley McCarley, Shaylee Applegate, Hunter Dobbs, Kathlyn Evans, Gabriel Massengill, Gella Raines
4th Grade – Gauge DeVaughn, Shamiya Enlow, Macy Murphy, Bentlee Scott, Madison Wallis, Johanna Beene, Abby Blassingame, Anden Earnest, EmiLee Fincher, Cadence Floyd, John Hollis, John McCarley, Tahj Bell, Raymond Craven III, Brylee Farrar, Shiloh Sanders, Dreson Stewart
Honor Roll
Kindergarten – Jericah Calomese, Abbigail Clark, Colson Gaston, James Levi, Kalyn McGee, Heath Reynolds, Domonick Sanderson, Trypp Chunn, Malijha Daniel, Kaden Crump, Izzy Hogue, Derek Lowery, Brailey Nichols, Adysin White
1st Grade – Annabelle Cagle, Taelin Crump, Mia Dufford, Cooper Johnson, Tavion McDonald, Alyssa Simpson, Noah Westmoreland, Ariya Wren, Zykeria Young, Aiden Banks, Braylon Gardner, Drew Hughes, Kisana Nabors, Trevor Rakestraw, Dominic Sawyer, Caden Walker, Da’riyah Young, Miyana Barnett, Aiden Fly, Samual Gray, Addison Howard, Shawnzell McGee, Kamri Scott, IsaBella Starks, Alaya Vick
2nd Grade – Elisabet Ibarra, Brandon Johnson, Titan McDonald, Kyasia McGee, Cayden Roberts, Holly Walters, Kalion Been, Kaylee Owens, Ava Bishop, Keniah Burt, Jade Crump, Kylan Crump, Regan McLeland, Riley McLeland, Matthew Montgomery III, Dalen Thomas, Hayden Wildmon, Addisson Wilson
3rd Grade – Ethan Applegate, Makayla Bragg, Gray Earnest, Karmen Gaston, Jeremiah Gill, Ava Harvell, Allayah Agnew, Isaac Allen, Markaya Floyd, Essence Rowan, Aubrei Weaver, Laken Garcia, Hannah Glover, Gabee Lee, Addison Scales
4th Grade – Amealia Beene, Karlyn Courtney, Marquez Davenport, Jacob Doughty, Dy’Lan Johnson, Sara Reynolds, Shanell Robinson, Tyler Young, Makalyn Beene, Jaley Billups, Malia Bolton, Taylor Gunnells, Cameron Hill, Elizabeth Hughes, Michael Hughes, Akeyo McGaha, Mason Nanney, Saniya Patterson, Donovan Riley, Caysen Rowan, Jerry Towery, Trinity Billips, Akira Howell, Jack Morris, Shelby Parker, Casey Reno, Terrell Robinson, Harry Troy, Braleigh Tyes, Bobby Underwood, Makenzie Wildmon
BES 2016 Academic Awards
Baseball Camp
BEARCAT Baseball Camp
June 7th & 8th from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
*Hitting-Pitching-Infield-Outfield-Catching-Throwing-Base Running, Competitions and Much More
*Concessions will be sold during Break
*Coaches: Shannon Smith & Lance Wesson
*Contact Info: 662-419-7607
*For: Students 1st-8th Grade (Incoming)
*Pre-Registration Deadline: May 26th
Mississippi Assessment Program
Please view the following attachments to receive more information about the Mississippi Assessment Program (MAP):
Kindergarten Registration
Baldwyn Elementary Kindergarten Registration
2016 Yearbook Sale
Last Chance 2016 Yearbook Sale will be March 21-30. Orders forms will be passed out Monday, March 21 to all students and are available in the office and school website. Yearbooks are $60 each and no extras will be guaranteed available in the fall. All orders and forms are due March 30 at 3 p.m. to the office.
Family Fitness Night
On Monday, February 1st, the Parent Involvement Committee hosted a Family Fitness Night. It was a HUGE success! Approximately 77 students, parents, teachers and community members participated in various fitness and nutrition activities. Thanks to all who came out and made the night such a success. We hope to have another one before the year is out. See you there.
View the photo album here
January Announcements
2nd 9 Weeks Awards Program
Friday, January 8th
K-2 1:00 3-4 2:00
Bearcat Table
Friday, January 8th
Students who will be sitting at the Bearcat table will receive a letter.
Little League Basketball Schedule
The Little League Basketball Schedule is available to view here
Accelerated Reader Challenge
Bearcat Accelerated Reader challenge (class with the highest accuracy rate for the week of September 21st)
All students in the classroom had to participate. 1st place class was rewarded with a dance party with the Bearcat mascot.
1st place-Mrs. Amy Martin’s class
2nd place – Mrs. Monica Craven’s class
3rd place -Ms. Valerie Crump’s class
After School Tutoring Updates
Read about the changes to the After School Tutoring Program
click here