Welcome to the
Baldwyn Career Advancement Center
The Baldwyn Career Advancement Center adheres to the principle of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to race, sex, color, creed, or national origin. The Baldwyn Career Advancement Center welcomes students who are disabled, disadvantaged, or of limited English Proficiency. Assistance and other services are provided for all who need help in successfully completing vocational training.
Bond Issue
CTE Websites
We want to hear from you
Helpful Contacts
Baldwyn Career Advancement Center
120 Vandiver Street
Baldwyn, MS 38824
Danny Ramsey, Director (662) 365-0062 ramseyd@baldwynschools.com
David Seawell, Counselor (662) 365-0063 seawelld@baldwynschools.com
Fax: (662) 365-0067
Advanced Manufacturing and Furniture Design and Manufacturing Office Phone (662) 365-0065
Amy Crane, Teacher Academy cranea@baldwynschools.com
Garret Mauney, Advanced Manufacturing II mauneyg@baldwynschools.com
Jordan Wilson, Advanced Manufacturing wilsonj@baldwynschools.com
Lance Wesson, Furniture Design and Manufacturing wessonl@baldwynschools.com
Susan Winstead, Business and Marketing winsteads@baldwynschools.com
Contact BCAC
Contact Information:
Baldwyn Career Advancement Center
120 Vandiver Street
Baldwyn, MS 38824